About Us
About three years ago, Cove Church partnered with The Haven in Transylvania County to be the main “Code Purple” facility. 
What is Code Purple?
Code Purple is a statewide project that provides people who are without housing a place of shelter when the temperatures reach 32 degrees or below.
It was in this meeting that we were made aware of how big of a need emergency housing is in Transylvania County. In November 2021, we started Cove Shelter providing emergency housing for the coldest months of the year (November 1 through March 31).
Cove Shelter is a faith-based emergency facility that seeks to treat others as Jesus Christ would, caring for physical needs and proclaiming the love of Christ. Our objective is to serve the homeless in Transylvania County especially during the coldest months of the year: November 1st – March 31st. During the declared Code Purple periods, Cove Shelter provides overnight accommodations for 20 guests, offering a hot meal every evening, a place to shower, clothes closet, and laundry facilities.
Though this undertaking has been a large effort for Cove Shelter, we have been blessed to have great volunteers and donations. Cove  Shelter is a small independent organization doing some very big things, and we believe that’s what God called all believers to do!


Operating hours:

(Non-Code Purple) days:

From 5 pm – 7 pm (Monday through Friday), providing

a) a hot meal each evening

b) a place to shower

c) clothes closet, and

d) laundry facilities
(Declared Code Purple) days:
On those evenings declared as “Purple Code” days, our guest will be able to check-in at 5 p.m. Spend the night until 8:00 am the next morning; as well as:
a) a hot meal each evening
b) a place to shower
c) clothes closet, and
d) laundry facilities